Hudson Reporter Archive

Are you happy in Jersey City?

Dear Editor:
The rhetoric on the USS Jersey City political system basically hit an iceberg of destruction because of its inability, selfishness and arrogance, full speed ahead. Its Captain Jerramiah Healy constantly states that we have the most qualified individuals’ money and political patronage can buy, who are operating this vessel, while the City Council band is playing sweet calm music. Their marionette expertise controlled by him pulling the strings will steer the course of safety, security and financial stability. Don’t worry about the water in the engine room, it’s only one of the bathrooms overflowing. The ship is not sinking, save the Captain!
The Captain is secretly taking some precautions because the hole is getting bigger. He’s preparing the one and only life boat, filled to the rim with his provisions. Each and every life preserver will be distributed; unfortunately he only has enough for all his hand picked political cronies, the City Council, minus Steve Fulop, and of course one for the Captain, himself. The old maritime law of rescuing women and children first has been changed, with his approval, to read, all inept greedy politicians and their puppets will be saved. All citizens who aren’t bought and paid for will have every opportunity to save themselves with any floatation devices left in the water after the ship has sunk.
The political advertisement thus far administered by our present administration is quite amusing and noticeably untrue. These individuals who orchestrated these commercials should receive an Oscar for the most twisted political spin of extended truths category, combining it with another category of self love and self importance. There is an old saying, the more a person continues to tell untruths, misinformation and exaggerations, the more that same individual will start believing their own falsehoods, dishonesties and fabrications.
Naturally during an election year things change. The average citizen and taxpayer will see these transformations throughout the City, so don’t be fooled. These miraculous improved alterations will only last for a few months. They are put in place, usually to enhance the capabilities and competence of the politician seeking re-election. As soon as the election is finalized, then it’s business as usual, complacency replaces efficiency. The city immediately goes into regression mode, enhancing and accepting uselessness, ineptitude, ineffectiveness, insecurity and ruin, while closing its eyes to the unchained criminal element, running wild in the streets.
The present governing Administration has been leading the city for years into a chaotic direction of mismanagement and insensitivity. No one is accountable to the people. The people are ignored and abused. Improved quality of life has definitely been diminished and discarded. At what given point should anyone be accountable for their actions?
Please as a resident, taxpayer, and for the sake of your family, and their future, think, look, listen and observe your surroundings for yourself. Are you and your family happy? Do you or your family feel safe? Are you and your family satisfied? Remember the politicians work for you, and you deserve what you elect.

William P. Frasca

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