Hudson Reporter Archive

Political hostility destroys community

Dear Editor:
Let the lovers love and the haters hate, the fighters fight and the good guys get along with people. It never ceases to amaze me to witness the character assassination attempts on our leaders that go in a drive by fashion; enough with the caricature already.
It appears to me that there are a handful of people that are hostage to hostility. Hostility destroys the community. This handful is filled with envy which is when someone has something they want and really deep down inside, don’t think they can get it. To these people I say quit attacking the object of your envy. Every time I turn around, I see a misguided wanna-be activist looking for a fight rather than trying to get along with our leaders. They could be realistic and look at the big picture from all angles. They might want to get along with each other for the common good of society.
In the not so nice guy scheme of things, after a Jersey City election like the one in ’05, the opposing group would have been axed, given pink slips, forced out, fired! Since then the new leadership, that has been elected overwhelmingly, producing positive change any honest man or woman can really see, recognizes that jobs are a good thing. It is important for the engine of the economy.
The leader of Jersey City has the courage and guts to tell someone what it is and how it is rather than tell someone what they want to hear. Those from the conflicting opposition should be thankful for still having their jobs and consider themselves lucky. They should say thank you.
Unfortunately, some are not over the ’05 which, by the way, is quickly approaching a half decade past. I recall a statement made by Hall of Fame coach Mike Ditka “if you live in the past, you die in the past.” Some players in the political world can take note and try out for the winning team. The problem that is created when a second and third rate Democrat decides to run against the eventual winner is that it forces the Democratic party to spend money on the campaign. This significant amount of cash can be better utilized for more important Democratic purposes and causes.
I personally pray for political peace in Jersey City. The party has accomplished so much in the past year nationwide. It’s time for old Democratic foes to bury the hatchet and continue on with the positive change any honest man or woman can really see.

James Francis Waddleton

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