Hudson Reporter Archive

Dear Hoboken, thanks for the extortion

Dear Editor:
This is my opinion about the parking situation in Hoboken: Dear Municipal Court of Hoboken (or whoever you are): First, I would like to say that your city has the best extortion plot going in all of New Jersey. Not only do you ticket a car but you have the audacity to boot it and then have your victims pay $150.00 in order to get it taken off!! Bravo to you and your thieves for being able to come up with a plan in which to steal money and make it come across as legal.
It surprises me that the city of Hoboken is in a state of utter mismanagement and yet it has figured out how to make money off of people the way Bernie Madoff has done to his investors. The city of Hoboken has done a disservice to people who come to visit and contribute to its economy. The ticket I received wasn’t bad enough. No, you had to make sure that others make money off this parking scheme of yours. I’m sure that the parking garage where I returned the boot is really in dire need of funds, judging by its close vicinity to the police department.
I think it is despicable that you seek funding by way of the people who come visit your city. Well, I’ve decided to tell others about your con job, and I can only hope that someone will come along one day and challenge this travesty that is taking place in the City of Hoboken. You’ve made it loud and clear that visitors are not welcome.
So, enclosed is my $45.00 check and ticket. I consider the total of $195.00 that this has cost me as an economic lesson. Of course, it’s really a loss for you. Your little scheme forgot to factor in one thing: how much revenue will be lost if people like myself decide that they won’t eat or spend time in the City of Hoboken? So, enjoy the $195.00. I suggest using it to educate yourselves. Of course, you can never have enough car boots.

Nelson Valentin
Bloomfield, N.J.

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