Hudson Reporter Archive

Change Weehawken can believe in

Dear Editor:
I am writing this letter to express how I feel about all of the negative letters to the editor that have been surfacing over the last few weeks.
As everyone already knows, we are currently facing a failed economy that has been caused by eight years of a leader that has showed all of us no remorse or regret, unless you are a greedy big wig CEO or huge multi-billion dollar corporation. We are also in a war that we should have never been involved in to begin with. We have people concerned about losing their jobs, not being able to pay for the everyday basics of life and wondering if their friends and family members will ever come home from this war (and if they do, a lot of them will be injured and have problems adjusting to society.)
I am definitely all for free speech, but in a time of crisis that we are currently in, we should all take a step back and hopefully realize that all of the problems that we think are really big are not as big as what the world is currently going through.
As a dog owner myself, I fully understand where you are coming from. As for the parking, yes they should probably utilize their driveways. What’s this solution? Everyone that has a driveway on Clifton Terrace just park in it, and every dog owner, pick up after your dog, which you should do, anyway. Sounds like an easy solution, huh? Unfortunately we do not live in that type of society (at least not yet) but we easily could. All it would take is for people to be courteous and have some respect towards themselves, their fellow mankind and the world that they live in.
Go ahead and find your inner peace and trust me, it will leak out into society; we could really use a tidal wave right now!
Take a good long look in the mirror and ask yourself just this one question. Is this problem that seems so big to me really that relevant based on our current global situation?
I have always wondered why is it so hard for some people to do the right thing, when it is actually easier than doing the wrong thing. Maybe we should all rise up and adhere to this basic proverb, “Do unto others, as you would have them do to you.” I think I will close on that thought.

An average dude named Bif

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