Hudson Reporter Archive

‘Who is looking out for the Bayonne renter?’

To the Editor:
I am a lifelong resident of Bayonne, and have lived in the same apartment for over 35 years. I am not elderly, but I am certainly no spring chicken, either. The building I live in has about 20 apartments, and over the years I have seen many people come and go. I have also seen a shift in the quality of people who live in my building.
In the last five years, my building has been the scene of at least two fires and the police have been on the premises regularly. It has gotten to the point where I am scared to leave my apartment and scared of what is going on in the other apartments.
Now I read that the mayor is planning to layoff policemen and firemen. I feel as though no one cares about people like me who rent. I know I don’t pay property taxes, but I am still a member of this community and have a right to feel safe.
Mr. Mayor, we need our policemen and firemen. Who else will protect the little guy? Who is looking out for the Bayonne renter?


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