Hudson Reporter Archive

Bringing Real Change and Lower Taxes for Hoboken

Dear Editor:
This week I announced my Council Slate in our campaign to lower taxes and deliver real change. I’m the first candidate running for Mayor to announce a full ticket. And I’m proud to stand alongside Michael Novak, Frances Rhodes-Kearns and Angel Alicea – because they’re the fresh faces needed to bring new perspectives and responsible leadership to City Hall.
When looking for running-mates, I thought back to last summer – when some of my Council colleagues shirked their responsibilities and didn’t do the job they were sent by the people to do. Their failure to pass a budget resulted in an immediate 47% tax increase. I know Mike, Fran and Angel would never let that happen. They’ll always look out for the taxpayers and get the job done to deliver the reform Hoboken needs.
I know Michael Novak can turn blighted properties into safe places for our children to play – because he’s done it before through the small business he runs here in Hoboken. Together, we’ll create open space and make sure that when there’s new development, it adds to our tax base, not our carbon footprint.
Frances Rhodes-Kearns has fought for equal opportunity and quality education for all our children as President of Board of Education. Together, we’ll bring the change Hoboken needs to provide a brighter future for our families.
Whether as an Internal Affairs Detective with the Union City Police or as Chairman of the Hoboken Housing Authority, Angel Alicea has always looked out for the well-being of those who need help the most. Together, we’ll bring accountability and reform to local government.
We’re going to make government work smarter and with transparency by cutting waste, cronyism and nepotism. As Mayor, I’ll go through the budget with a fine-toothed comb to find savings and efficiencies. We’ll cut payroll jobs through attrition. We’ll evaluate every program and line-item, while asking one simple question: “How does this benefit the taxpayers?”
This Council ticket is a true reflection of Hoboken. My running mates are strong, independent leaders who have already given so much back to our community. I look forward to working with Michael, Fran and Angel to get to work on Day One – to lower taxes and deliver real reform.
If you’d like to learn more or find ways to get involved with our campaign for change, please visit Or just stop by our Campaign Headquarters at 119 Washington Street.

Councilman Peter Cammarano
Candidate for Mayor

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