….And in this economy, we can use some good news, right? The Hoboken Homeless Shelter has gotten more money for its “permanent supportive housing” program!
Shelter Director Jaclyn Cherubini sent this note to supporters:
“I have WONDERFUL NEWS to share with you!!! HUD is granting $5 million to Hudson County for current & new projects for the homeless. 2 of these new projects include The Hoboken Shelter for our newest initiative: Permanent Supportive Housing Program!!! We have partnered with our friends at SEED, Corp. for this new venture.
SEED, Corp. will be receiving this funding from HUD in order to secure & provide the affordable housing for our guests to move in to & we will need to raise the funds in order to provide these (soon to be formerly homeless) individuals with case management/support services led by the amazing James Shipman, our super Assistant Director. With your help & these HUD grants, we will end homelessness for 16 of our shelter residents!!!
James has already been diligently working on our first of 3 projects with SEED, Corp. by housing 4 of our shelter residents in their own apartments in Jersey City next month. A ceremony will be held for this new project in April (details to follow).
I am so thankful for all of your support in making this happen! It truly is remarkable that with such a dedicated community that we can feed the hungry daily, shelter the homeless nightly, and now we will continue to grow & end homelessness for 20 of our shelter residents. Thank you SO much!”
Good news for Hoboken Homeless Shelter