Hudson Reporter Archive

Congratulations, Patricia Nardone

To the Editor:
It is with great pleasure that I am writing this letter to congratulate a fellow nurse and dear friend, Mrs. Patricia Nardone, R.N., on being awarded Teacher of the Year at Vroom School.
Patricia, as I know her, is so deserving of this award. She is and always has been the consummate professional nurse. There are so many words to describe Patricia. She is dedicated, caring, and committed to excellence in everything that she does. It would be my honor to work side by side with her any day of the week.
I would also like to take this opportunity to say congratulations to the faculty of Vroom School for having the foresight to recognize and acknowledge the importance that the school nurse plays in education. It is such a misconception that the only thing that the school nurse does is to hand out band aids all day long. Nothing could be farther from the truth. School nurses are faced with dealing with chronic illness every day, such as diabetes, asthma, students with special physical needs, medical emergencies and anything else that comes their way. School nurses are a wonderful educational resource to both students and faculty alike.
I am sure that the students and faculty at Vroom School can attest to all of these facts that make Patricia the wonderful nurse that she is.
Congratulations again.


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