Hudson Reporter Archive

UPDATE: Answer to Sinatra Drive parking meter question

Poles have started to emerge on the east side of Sinatra Drive in Hoboken, where parking meters will be placed in the near future. They will require a quarter every 15 minutes from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. The other side of the street is now resident parking only.
Last month, when the Hoboken City Council was debating whether approving the meters would hurt residents, Councilwoman Terry LaBruno proposed that residents coming home from work not have to feed the meters after 6 p.m. The council agreed it was a fair compromise, and voted in favor of the meters.
However, one resident told us on Tuesday that he called the Parking Utility Tuesday night and was told that the council’s amendment was overruled and residents will still have to feed the meters all day.
Was the council’s compromise amendment in fact overruled?
Unsolved Mysteries Update: On Wednesday, HPU Director John Corea said that the council’s amendment will stand. He said the signs do currently say 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., but additional signage will be added later saying that residents only have to feed the meters from 9 to 6.
He said that if the signs are not up in time, residents will still not be ticketed if they are parked there after 6 without feeding the meters.
The meters were among several revenue increasing measures proposed to bring more cash into a city that suffered a 47 percent tax increase this year.

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