Hudson Reporter Archive

Disappointed in Mayor Elwell

Dear Editor:
As a college student I must admit that it is slightly hard to keep up to date with the politics in Secaucus. But after casting my first vote in the most historic presidential election ever, I’ve made my best efforts to stay in touch with what is going on in my hometown so I can vote again.
I have been reading the paper, becoming informed and listening to the voice of the people through editorials. Of these, there are three that stick out in my mind the most. Those between Doug DePice, Mayor Elwell and Michel Gehm. I can only describe what has been going on in these editorials as outrageous.
I was appalled that the Mayor of our town, someone who should be setting a good example in his leadership position, would sink to such petty measures as to question Mr. DePice’s skill as a teacher. I myself have been lucky enough to have Mr. DePice, and I truly respect him. He never doubted the skills of any student and worked hard as ever to keep us all in love with the deep intricacies of art. He personally took the time to talk to each and every student and made the effort to get to know us.
I cannot say the same about the Mayor. I have seen him only minimally at school functions, where he made no effort to talk to the students he was there to see. That isn’t the best way to get new voters involved in his political campaign. Most young people are probably as disappointed as I am for the Mayor’s horrible comments towards one of the best teachers in Secaucus. I don’t know about anyone else but the Mayor has certainly lost my vote. I can only hope that personal attacks against Michael Gehm don’t come out next. His teaching skills may be questioned because he knows and utilizes his constitutional rights.

Name withheld

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