Hudson Reporter Archive

A plan to reduce flooding

Dear Editor:
Our aged sewer system is inadequate and crumbling, resulting in flooding and sewer backups. Breaches create underground streams that force water through building foundations.
Fixing the system will likely take generations. A long-term capital plan must be created to plan repairs and upgrades. Steps can be taken now, however, to minimize the impact of stormwater on our sewer system during periods of heavy rain.
“Water – A Plan to Minimize the Impacts of Stormwater” is circulating among concerned citizens and candidates for public office. The plan focuses on slowing stormwater runoff from entering the sewer system during storm conditions. The plan recommends:
Creation of a Municipal Utilities Authority Master Plan for infrastructure improvements
Increased use of High Level Storm Sewers (HLSS)
Maximum use of green space
Low-impact development
Green parking lots, streets, and highways
Green roofs for new tax-abated development
The plan may be viewed at:

Daniel Levin
Candidate for Jersey City Mayor 2009

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