Hudson Reporter Archive

A heartfelt thank you for helping the needy

Dear Editor:
On behalf of the Board of Trustees of the Jerramiah T. Healy Charitable Foundation, we would like to thank the Inserra Family and Shop Rite for their financial support with our third annual holiday gift program to the needy families in the Jersey City public school system.
On December 19, 2008 with the assistance of the Jersey City Board of Education, Mayor Healy distributed $200 Shop Rite gift cards to 300 needy school families, donated by the Healy Foundation.
We also want to express our special thanks to two businesses who generously donated to our foundation for the purchase of 465 Thanksgiving turkeys for needy Jersey City families.
Once again, we must say thank you to all the individuals and businesses that have supported our foundation. Without their support, we could not fulfill our mission of providing assistance to individuals, families and nonprofits in Jersey City.
Our Standard Bearer, Mayor Jerramiah T. Healy, and the Board of Trustees extend to all a very Healthy & Happy New Year.

James K. Morley, Chairman
Jerramiah T. Healy Charitable Foundation

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