Hudson Reporter Archive

An open letter to Sheriff Juan M. Perez

Dear Sheriff Perez:

First and foremost, I would like to congratulate you and your administration for doing such a great job in a mere nine months. The changes in which have taken place have not only built the morale but has also made the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department a dignified Agency in a short period of time. In recent social engagements with the general public, I have noticed that people of all ages have shown a greater appreciation for the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department as a whole. I feel that I can now walk with my head held high showing that I am proud to be a Hudson County Sheriff’s Officer. Due to our more aggressive approach in police work and community relations, the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department is living up to the expectation of becoming the lead law enforcement entity in the County of Hudson. As Mayor Healy has stated in many different forums, Hudson County is one of the most populated and culturally diverse counties in the state. I say that to say our profession calls us to be cognoscente of these facts and to be prideful in our duties and obligations within this County.

Furthermore, there are many reasons that I am excited at this point in my career. I feel that me being witness to the first Hispanic Sheriff to be place in that respective office in the State of New Jersey has also placed my name in the history books. One day I will be able to tell my children that their father was there when the Hudson County Sheriff’s Department began to evolve into one of the most respected Law Enforcement Agencies in the State of New Jersey. Being a Hispanic myself, having you with us has been a motivation in my life. Being led by you and your administration has been a very pleasant experience. Many of my colleagues also feel the same, so I not only speak for myself but also speak for many others. I consider myself to be a person of intuition, and I can see that you sir genuinely care for your men and women alike. I also believe that the small things count such as your appearances at roll calls, sporting events and many other functions. Your appearance at these events makes those involved feel gratification to know that the Sheriff cares enough to take time from his family and busy schedule to attend these events. These are qualities of a great leader. History itself shows that most great leaders stood side by side with their men and women.

In conclusion, I would like to thank you Sheriff for not only being humble, but also being an example to all officers working under you. I also would like to thank your whole administration. As you constantly show up at roll call and admonish us for a job well done, I would like to express my thanks to you and say, “Great Job.”

S.O. Daniel E. Rivera #382

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