Hudson Reporter Archive

Please register to vote by Oct. 14

Dear Editor:

Every four years, presidential elections rivet the nation’s attention and offer an opportunity for every voter to help shape our future. On November 4, Americans will go to the polls in record numbers to cast votes in an historic presidential election. This year’s presidential election, and the Administration it ushers into office, will impact history in ways we can only begin to imagine.

Personally, I am casting my ballot for Barack Obama for President and Frank Lautenberg for U.S. Senate. Fundamental change in the White House, and strong Democratic majorities in the Congress, is necessary to deal with the wreckage that is the Bush presidency. The next President of the United States is going to inherit a set of economic and national security challenges unlike any since FDR succeeded Hoover during the Great Depression. Barack Obama possesses the calm, clarity and competence to meet this moment that calls for a first-rate President.

But, whether you support Barack Obama or John McCain for President, I strongly urge you to cast a ballot in this significant election. The last day for New Jersey residents to register to vote in this presidential election is Tuesday, October 14, which date is only days away. You can register to vote at the Hudson County Superintendent of Elections’ office (595 Newark Avenue, 3rd floor, Jersey City), at the Hoboken City Clerk’s office (94 Washington Street, Hoboken), or fill out a voter registration form at the local Democratic Party headquarters (12 Hudson Place, Hoboken).

The right to vote is central to American democracy, and is our most cherished civic responsibility. As both an elected official and an election attorney, voting rights and voter participation are not just academic topics in which I take an interest. They are integral to who I am and what I do. Please make it to the polls, exercise your right to vote and cast your ballot for the candidates you think can best serve our community and country.

Thank you very much.

Peter Cammarano

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