Hudson Reporter Archive

Hoboken Catholic Academy’s golf outing was a huge success

Dear Editor:

On Monday, September 29, 2008, Hoboken Catholic Academy held its first Annual Golf Tournament. The response from the Hoboken Catholic Academy community and outside of our halls was overwhelming. There were 80 golfers who came to play at The Meadows Gold Club in Lincoln Park.

Hoboken Catholic Academy would like to thank everyone who made this day a success. The hole sponsors, breakfast, lunch and dinner sponsors, beverage cart sponsors, contest hole sponsors, grand prize winner sponsors and gift contributors are listed on our website,

The day would not have been possible without the hard work from a few of our Hoboken Catholic Academy moms and dads. Donna Casper, Roger Corrado, Michele and John Egar and John Tripp worked very hard to make this day a success. For that, the students of Hoboken Catholic Academy sincerely thank you all. It is parents like these that help make our school the unique place that it is.

Congratulations to our winners Sal Faltas, Ralph Rufino, Gabe Scudese and Guy Siniscalchi.

Thank you,
Hoboken Catholic Academy community

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