Hudson Reporter Archive

Responding to statements by Mr. Chemas regarding the Weehawken Police Dept.

Dear Editor:

This is in response to the statements made by Mr. Jorge Chemas and his camp in numerous articles over the last two weeks.

Two patrol cars responded to the scene, which is Standard Operating Procedure when enacting an arrest, due to office safety reasons. Along with them was the road supervisor, a Lieutenant, who was in plain clothes at the time and was being driven by another plain clothes officer in an unmarked car. I do not feel the need to defend this but being that you are bringing it in to question, and falsely inflating the numbers, I feel the need to explain. We responded by the book. Two patrol cars and one unmarked car is hardly the small army you are trying to make it seem like showed up.

More importantly I would like to adamantly refute Mr. Chemas’ statement of “When I call police about the crack dealers across the street from my house, they don’t even send one car.” I personally checked with the Weehawken Police Record Bureau all the way back to January 2007. There have been no complaints from Mr. Chemas or anyone else named or anonymous, across the street from his house, on the corner of his street or in the block were he lives, about crack dealers, drug dealers or any other CDS/drug complaints.

It is irresponsible and untruthful for you to make such accusations in the newspapers. I am truly insulted by your statements and have never been so offended in all my years as a police officer. I am proud of the body of work the Weehawken Police Department produces year after year, and how well we work with the public. We respond to every job from the simple parking complaint to the gun point robbery.

I would encourage anyone who believes we are not doing what we should to call the front desk at 201-863-7800 and complain. Or call the Deputy Chief’s office directly at 201-319-6046.

We are here for the community, and not just to “Protect and Serve.” I believe we show that, not just by the job we do, but also by how much we give back to the community with all the organizations and charities we are involved in. We truly care for this town and its residents. We want to see it flourish, as it has and does every day.

Justin Rollings
Weehawken Police Officer
President, PBA Local #15

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