Hudson Reporter Archive

Mayor Elwell sets poor example

Dear Editor:

I am writing in reaction to Mayor Elwell’s recent letter to the editor in this newspaper. In my opinion, the Mayor is trying to scapegoat the firefighters to cover up his responsibility for the verdict. The fact is he was a defendant in the lawsuit, and the judgment went against him and members of his administration for their failure to effectively act to protect the rights of individuals under New Jersey’s Law Against Discrimination and the State Constitution. Had this been handled and properly dealt with when the incident occurred in 2004, the Town would have been spared both the scandal and the exorbitant cost.

I also find it ironic that the Mayor states he is going to institute sensitivity training while in the same letter, he writes the most outrageous lies and insults about two of our Councilmen, Mike Gonnelli and Gary Jeffas. The tone of respect, dignity, professionalism, tolerance and restraint should start at the top. Mayor Elwell sets a very poor example. He should be the first to sign up for the sensitivity training! Finally, the Town is facing serious challenges in the ongoing affordable housing and Damascus Bakery lawsuits. The Mayor and Council and advisors need to focus their efforts and attention on these cases while there’s still time to win them.

Very truly yours,
Marilyn DePice

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