Hudson Reporter Archive

Increased police presence keeps us safe

Dear Editor:

My name is Anthony DeGennaro, I am a town resident and a Sergeant with the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office. In a recent article written by Assata Wright, “Be careful what you wish for,” there was an inference that the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office was singling out Secaucus for a recent “ticket blitz.” This is furthest from the truth. However, as a resident of Secaucus who for years have watched “out of towners” racing down our roads in an effort to avoid traffic on the roadways, I am glad that there is an increased presence by the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office on the County roadways.

Secaucus Police have recently been receiving numerous complaints from local residents as has been reported by this paper and other local papers. As a result the local police have tried to step up their enforcement. The Hudson County Sheriff Juan M. Perez has also heard your complaints and in an effort to assist the local police he has encouraged or Patrol Bureau, under the command of Chief John Bartucci, to participate in several of the recent safe driving initiatives including “Click it or Ticket,” where in addition to several other areas in Hudson County, Secaucus was chosen as a target area. The month of July, Sheriff Juan M. Perez is allowing us to participate in a campaign that agencies around the state are participating in against speeding, “Obey the signs or pay the fines.” Several locations throughout the County have once again been chosen including areas in Secaucus. Our presence for years was handcuffed by previous administrations. Well the handcuffs have been removed, and town residents should expect to see our fine men and women throughout Hudson County.

Thanks to a proactive Sheriff, the town of Secaucus along with many of the other municipalities in Hudson County is seeing an additional presence of our officers. We should welcome the help to our local police and request more of a presence. Sheriff Juan M. Perez, Chief John Bartucci and all the rank and file of the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office are here for the citizens of this County. I am proud to say I am one of these officers, and with the continued support of these fine men, I will always keep Secaucus residents towards the top of my list when it comes time to assist residents.

Yours truly,
Anthony DeGennaro
Hudson County Sheriff’s Office Sergeant and resident

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