Hudson Reporter Archive

Site is unsightly!

Dear Editor:

West New York has been subjected to an “eyesore” these past two decades, and it’s time to correct the condition. The eyesore I’m writing about is the land space in between the high rises at 5601 and 5701 Blvd. East.

The space was originally used as a fully equipped playground for the tenants’ children. When extensive repairs were needed for the buildings’ façade, the area was cleared so the assigned contractors could complete the work.

The contractors are long gone, and the space is now used for dumpsters, discarded furniture and an ugly fence apparently constructed to help hide the mess behind.

The fence soon fell into disrepair and now adds to the eyesore and has created additional risks and dangers.

The arguments against the situation are obvious: It repels anyone visiting WNY and therefore tends to decrease its appeal and property values; it presents financial risk to the buildings’ owners and also WNY in the event of any major law suit; it seems to encourage uncaring owners and building managers to not follow building codes, common decency and good neighborhood relations; no other high rises from Hoboken to Fort Lee and beyond and to the west need such space for their operation.

I’ve written our town’s mayor for help and feel that I can gather support and a speedier conclusion if this missive is published.

Very truly yours,
John B. Pulaski

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