Hudson Reporter Archive

Our justice system stinks!

Dear Editor:

Once again we will be burying another brave, honorable human being who represents the best of human beings as a representative of New York City’s Finest – the New York City Police Department.

A 23 year old young man who gave his life to help, protect and honor the citizens of New York City.

Once again the question arises to the politicians, the judges, the probation departments and any other members of society who believe that rehabilitation is the only way to give these evil criminals, who have no understanding or concern for another human being, another chance at life.

What about the many victims of crimes committed against them. What justice do they receive? Why are these wastes of life allowed to enter back into society and commit more heinous crimes? What happened to fairness, justice, respect, honor?

These three individuals were arrested many times before for rape, attempted murder, assault with a deadly weapon – aren’t these crimes heinous enough for these wastes of life to serve life sentences without parole? If so, P.O. Timoshenko would be alive today.

Our justice system stinks! Maybe, just maybe, some big shot politician or judge or prestigious family member from some rich famous family will be a victim of a heinous crime and finally someone will realize how deplorable our so-called justice system really is.

Rape, kidnapping, armed assault, murder, attempted murder – these crimes need stiff punishment – life in prison with absolutely no chance for parole for good behavior (you must be kiddin’ – right?)

When, why, what will it take for the U.S. of A. to realize that terrorism is rampant already in places like New York, Newark, Jersey City, Detroit, Miami, Los Angeles to name a few – terrorists are rapists, murderers, child molesters, pimps, drug pushers – these are the cause and destruction of our families – our way of life.

Wake up politicians, judges, the Governor, Congress, Senate – make our laws protect the good, the brave, the just, the honorable people like P.O. Timoshenko who gave his life at 23 years old to protect and defend what is good and honorable. Don’t let his life and memory be in vain. Respect and honor the me

mory of so many brave police, fire and so many other people who risk their lives for so many and do so for so little, only to die in vain.

‘I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do, because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.’ Susan B. Anthony, 1820-1906.

E.V. Stack

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