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‘Get a Life!’ Jersey City author teaches readers to gain control of time

How many times have you found yourself frustrated by the lack of time in a day? Or stressed out when there are a million things to get done yet not enough time for yourself?

Jersey City writer Tyeese Gaines Reid has created a book that aims to gain back that most valuable commodity by challenging readers to rethink the way one views work and play.

Her new book, “The Get a Life Campaign,” which was released in May by Infinity Publishing, is a short and sweet guide to getting the most out of life – even with a limited amount of free time. As a doctor and a writer – not to mention a wife and mother – Reid had to find time-management solutions with her own busy schedule.

Reid began writing the book last fall and finished it in six months. It is a first book for the local author, although she previously published articles in magazines, including Boston Magazine. According to Reid, the idea was sparked by the desire for her and her friends to get their lives back – meaning, doing the things that make one feel happy, fulfilled, and balanced.

After telling strangers about the idea, Reid said she realized how widespread the problem was among her female friends. They needed to find better ways to create and maintain a balanced and happy life.

Making a list

Unlike other self-help books that merely suggest ways for people to regain confidence or embrace a new habit, Reid offers readers a no-nonsense approach to having it all. In the book, she offers a clear-cut plan on how to gain the most out of life by prioritizing. The writing and the advice is easily accessible and covers daily things a person can do to gain more free time, like dropping laundry off at the Laundromat to gain 90 minutes of time.

Each short chapter (Reid doesn’t want readers to lose more time by reading long-winded missives!) breaks down things that can get in the way of finding true balance and happiness, such as work, family, social obligations, money, and yourself, while offering insight into removing the roadblocks.

There are also worksheets in the book designed to help readers focus on what they really want, who they are, and who they want to be.

The list gives one a map so it is easy to see how we are actually spending our time compared to how we really want to live.

It also has a worksheet to help readers to discover what kind of personality they have – are they a busy do-it-all, a filled-with-excuses type, moderately motivated person, or a combination?

Reid said that discovering your type is a tool to find what works best for you. “The point of discovering your underlying type is not necessarily to change it,” said Reid. “It’s to understand why the tactics your girlfriend uses to relax may not work for you. It’s about embracing your inner drive – even if it changes weekly – and using those strengths to go after what you want.”

Not just for women

Although the book was written from a female’s perspective, the book could aid anyone who wants to create a more balanced life. In the book, Reid said that while some men are looking to improve the lives they have, most of them have already figured out how to create a balanced life.

She said that men know how to create free time in their schedule, whether it is to play golf or poker, shoot hoops, or spend time with their friends.

Reid said that women in relationships will make an effort to carve out time for their partner while neglecting their own needs. Reid said that creating your own time is the key to getting the life you want.

Future plans

According to Reid, the responses from readers have been very encouraging.

“I had a high school friend who I hadn’t seen in ages write me a long e-mail after she bought the book online,” said Reid.

Reid said her friend told her that the book was an inspiration to her and other women in her family. “It was nice to know that something I put down on paper could make that much of a difference,” said Reid. Although Reid isn’t currently working on another book, in the future she hopes to write one that will focus on getting the spark back in relationships.

“The Get a Life Campaign,” is currently available online and also at Imagine Atrium in Jersey City, where the author plans to give a reading this fall.

And the author’s website offers weekly newsletters and an interactive feature that allows readers to track their progress or chat with other readers.

“I just want women to realize that they are not alone and it’s OK to say that they need a break or want more out of life,” said Reid. “We’re all in this together and we’ve all been through it. As childish as it sounds, reach for the stars and never settle. It’s the only way to go after life.”

“The Get a Life Campaign,” is available at Imagine Atrium in Jersey City and online. For more information, visit:

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