Hudson Reporter Archive

We the residents in the 4th Ward deserve better!

Dear Editor:

My family, friends and I are embarking on a campaign to make Hoboken’s 4th Ward a better place to live, work and raise a family. Residents of the 4th Ward deserve better representation. They deserve to be told the truth and treated with dignity and respect.

We, our children and our senior citizens are being cheated condo after condo are being built. We receive nothing in return. We must fight for affordable housing, create assisted living for our senior citizens, and create parks that we can be proud of. For our children we must fight for new recreational facilities such as new gyms, bowling alleys and a new movie theater.

I will ask construction companies to donate one dime from each dollar spent one each square footage during other construction projects. I will also insist that a number of local residents receive employment from local construction projects. I will fight for a better quality of life.

The safety of our children come first, we deserve a community that allows our children to grow up safely and in a peaceful environment. Our police are doing a great job, but we must increase police presents in our ward and keep the D.A.R.E program active. This can be done by hiring new police officers, and we must fight to give them their well-deserved contracts.

I want the people of the 4th Ward to understand the power that they have. If we come together we can accomplish many tasks and have a voice that can no longer be ignored. I promise I will fight to elevate the services currently provided to the 4th Ward residents, from City, County, State and Federal Government. We want to discuss the issues and stick to the truth, unemployment, elimination of drugs, school dropouts, flooding, traffic congestion, taxes, assisted living for our Senior Citizens are being ignored by our elected officials, only to mention a few of our problems. The people in this ward have real concerns and should be heard. These are the thing I stand for and you have my word.

If elected I will serve with Dignity, Pride and Honesty, no false promises.

Anthony Mussara

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