Hudson Reporter Archive

I’m running for school board – and you can, too

Dear Editor:

My name is Theresa Minutillo, and I believe that making Hoboken’s public schools the best they can be is everyone’s business. Of course parents of public school children care, but so should families hoping to avoid paying private school tuition. Single homeowners concerned about their property values should care, as should renters concerned that local kids have better things to do than just ‘hang out.’

I started to care several years ago when I got to know local kids, wonderful local kids, not planning to go to college and unsure about their futures. I started the volunteer program Senior Prep Day which focused on helping non-college bound high school seniors better prepare themselves for entering the workforce. As I got more involved in the schools and saw too many priorities other than helping kids, I began to consider running for the Board.

The story of how that decision was used as an excuse to interfere with last year’s Senior Prep Day has been told and does not need repeating. In the end, the day did continue as I hope and trust it will for years to come.

My single person’s interest in the quality of our schools has become more personal now that my partner, Zac Gross and I are expecting our first child. We are excitedly anticipating exploring the “family friendly” part of our community as we raise him or her here in Hoboken. Our every hope is that the public schools will be a big part of that. Of course, as any prospective parent would, I want only the best for my child – and with the $21,000 Hoboken spends on each public school pupil, there should be no reason why I cannot find the best right here. I will be running again for School Board to put the focus of the schools back on the students and not on the politicians and their agendas. I am hoping to partner with those in the community who have similar interests. I will not be running under the banner of any established political force in town but will be seeking the support of any who want to put kids first.

If you would like to help out on the campaign, would like to know more or just want to give me a piece of your mind, give me a call at 201-795-9409. E-mail is good too: If you’ve been thinking about running, and my ideas seem in line with yours, I’d particularly like to hear from you, as soon as possible. If need be, I’ll be running alone as I did last year, but there are three seats available, and petitions aren’t due for a few weeks. It would be nice to have a runningmate or two.

Either way I’ll be on the ballot an April 18. Polls are likely to be open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m. (no morning voting). It’s not too early to mark your calendar, or call me if you’ll need an absentee application. Between now and then I hope to meet you. Hoboken’s kids deserve the best, and I’ll be working to give it to them.

Theresa Minutillo

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