Hudson Reporter Archive

Responding to letters regarding our president, the war & terrorism

Dear Editor:

I would like to respond to the letters that were submitted by Carl Schaefer and Nancy Bevilaqua and printed by this newspaper on June 20, 2005 and July 3, 2005.

Did they forget the 17 resolutions by the U.N. to Saddam Hussein ordering him to turn over his weapons of mass destruction or prove they were destroyed. He killed thousands of innocent people with WMDs but I guess Carl and Nancy forget that. He also had plenty of time to ship his WMDs to other countries while the U.N. sat by and did nothing. Do you think the oil for food scandal had something to do with it?

Neither one of you mentioned Bill Clinton; so let me remind you what the terrorists did during his administration. Kohbab Towers, several Americans killed and injured by terrorists, no action taken; 2 Embassies in South Africa, hundreds of Americans killed and injured by terrorists, no action taken; the U.S. Cole, 16 American sailors killed and 27 injured by terrorists, again no action taken. Osama Bin Laden was responsible for these attacks, and when the government of Sudan offered Bin Laden to us on a silver platter, Bill Clinton, Sandy Berger, Madeline Albright and Janet Reno would not take him into custody. Why?

Did Carl and Nancy also forget that just before Hillary Clinton ran for the Senate in NY, her husband pardoned 16 terrorists who killed innocent people and injured several others in 70 terrorists attacks right here in this country? Two NYC police officers were injured, one is blind, the other lost his leg.

You mention the war record of Dick Chaney and George Bush but again as liberals you forgot to mention that Bill Clinton dodged the draft, said I loathe the military, then went to Europe and organized demonstrations against our brave young men and women who were fighting for the oppressed people of South Vietnam. In case you didn’t know or don’t want to remember, it was a Democrat John F. Kennedy who sent our men and women to Vietnam. And North Vietnam didn’t attack us. It was President Harry Truman, another Democrat, who sent our men and women to Korea and North Korea didn’t attack us.

Let’s not forget 9/11/01 and what it did to Hoboken and this country. It has been said that I never criticize President Bush but I wrote him and told him to close our borders to illegals from all countries, not just Mexico. Every time a Congressman or Senator makes a statement against our President and the war they offend our brave men and women in the military and give aid and comfort to the terrorists and that’s called treason.

Forget you are a Democrat, Republican or an Independent, just think as Americans and pray we don’t have another 9/11.

God Bless America – God Help America.

Tom Kennedy

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