Hudson Reporter Archive

PSE&G meets heat-related challenges

Dear Editor:

During the past two weeks, the scorching heat wave that baked Hudson County created an all-time high demand for electricity, and there were no power outages caused by the record-setting temperatures.

As a legislative representative of the 33rd District, I am very grateful for the proactive measures that were taken by PSE&G to temporarily install street-level transformers in North Hudson. This effort reinforced the electrical system and ensured that electricity kept flowing under extremely challenging conditions.

The leadership role that PSE&G took enabled residents to go about their daily lives to minimize the chance of heat-related illnesses, and PSE&G’s communications with emergency management officials, updating them on the status of the electrical system, kept the pressure off of public resources. On behalf of my constituents, we want to thank the PSE&G crews for their hard work and efforts in the hot sun and through the long and humid nights to allow the rest of us to get through the heat wave in relative comfort.Sincerely,
Assemblyman Brian P. Stack
33rd District

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