Hudson Reporter Archive

Foolish and irresponsible move

Dear Editor:

I am appalled by recent news that a bill was introduced of late by Republicans that could potentially abolish Jersey City’s Abbott school funding. To do so during a time of crisis over high property taxes is foolish and irresponsible. This bill, if signed into law, would be a near disaster for Jersey City’s schools, as it would force Jersey City to cut many of the programs that are vital to our children’s education, especially the youngest students in our schools. Removing our school district from its current Abbott status will only force the State to reclassify the district as an Abbott district at a future time, leaving students with reduced or eliminated programs and saddling taxpayers with higher property taxes.The Smart Homestead Rebate Act, which has been introduced by me and my colleagues in the Assembly will promote dramatic property tax relief for urban, suburban and rural taxpayers and allow the school districts that need State funding to keep it. The SMART Bill is the solution to the problem – not cutting funding and hurting Jersey City’s children and taxpayers. Louis M. Manzo
Assemblyman, District 31

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