Hudson Reporter Archive

A dog’s eye view of Jersey City

Dear Editor:

Jersey City. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Kajun MacNaught. I am a Yellow Labrador Retriever from upstate New York, spending some time here.I would like to say that it’s nice to see a lot of my fellow citizens (dogs) here in Jersey City, however, there are a few things I wish to say that I hope they won’t take offense to. You see, it’s not the Canine population’s fault, it’s the people who we allow to live in Jersey City. That’s right, dogs allow you to be here as far as we are concerned

First off, I have to ask the human population why they find it necessary to toss uneaten food on sidewalks. Don’t you realize the temptation that is to dogs? The problem is it very often makes us sick when we eat that stuff. Now I may be a country dog but I’ve noticed big cans for garbage on many street corners. If I can figure out they are for garbage, people should be able to figure that out and use them!

Secondly, to all the people who think you own us (dogs) who don’t clean up after us. Do you know what a plastic bag is? If you would just save your plastic grocery bags, you could use them to clean up after us. Why should you, you ask?

First off, dogs can’t tie knots in bags, so we can’t clean up ourselves. Secondly, it’s the law. If I, a humble dog can read the signs saying it’s the law you should be able too. Hey, you’re reading this, so how difficult can it be, and this is written by a dog!

So you ask where do you dispose of what’s in those bags? Do I have to solve all your problems for you? I think not.

Just don’t toss the bags on the sidewalk or the street along with your half-eaten sandwich or chicken bones. Do your share to keep the city a little cleaner. It makes it nicer for us (dogs) to take you for walks. Have a nice summer! Kajun MacNaught
Worcester, NY

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