Hudson Reporter Archive

My ‘decision’ (and I hope yours) is to vote for Scott Delea for Councilman at large

Dear Editor

I moved to Hoboken 29 years ago and have witnessed many changes (some good, some bad) in this great city. Today, we are faced with yet another election and continue to hear the same empty promises – more parking, more open space, less traffic, it truly sounds like a broken record. But one must make a decision, it is our duty as responsible citizens to vote and name our representatives. As I prepare to make my decision, I am hopeful to know that Scott Delea is running for Councilman at large. Here is a young and energetic individual who has been involved in community programs to benefit the youth of Hoboken. He is the founder of Party With Purpose, a charity that has donated more than $35,000 in grants to several grass roots organizations. He is also an entrepreneur who really has much to invest in the city and wants the city to work. From the time I met Scott Delea, I have seen a person who cares for others and for Hoboken. I truly believe that Scott Delea is indeed the right person to take the position of Councilman at Large and that he will bring the changes that the city of Hoboken so desperately needs.

Luz Villamil-Bayona

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