Hudson Reporter Archive

Mr. Bredin, how about a ‘non-partisan’ political think tank in Hudson County?

Dear Editor:

Mr. Bredin’s recent article about forming a Hudson County political think tank is a wonderful idea but unlike him, I feel this entity should be non-partisan. I think the purpose of this organization should be to root out corruption.

I don’t know what solid political leadership Mr. Bredin is referring to, but if they are not locked up, they are under investigation for being part of the most corrupt political machine this state has ever know.

When was the last time you saw an ad in the paper for a government job? The dolling out of government jobs to friends and family is disgusting and dangerous as we recently witnessed with the appointment of our ex-governor’s gay lover to a position of homeland security. Oblivious to his lack of competence, our leadership put in jeopardy the lives of every single citizen in the state including that of their own friends and families. More disgusting is our acceptance of it. Many of these political hacks hold two or three government jobs, pulling in salaries, excellent health benefits and pensions.

Unfortunately this corruption is pervasive in both political parties.

I recently campaigned for George Bush. Not because I ignore his faults and that of the party, but because I concluded he was the better choice of leadership for America in these difficult times. I endured the hostilities of those “progressive, tolerant, liberals” who smeared dog feces on my vehicle, carefully placed glass under my tires and colorfully told me to go home. Guess what folks, I am home, and it was my pleasure to meet hundreds of other like-minded Republicans living in the shadows among us.

I met plenty of Democrats for Bush as well, but what I enjoyed the most was meeting a progressive liberal named Mary who joked with me and debated the issues with me in a civilized way. She was a Kerry supporter, but I soon realized that we had more in common than I thought. We both love our country and would like to see the “people” have more of an influence in what our leaders can get away with. Nothing bothers me more than to see these political mobsters run unopposed. Such an organization can get public questions put on the ballot and put its weight behind those individuals who would introduce legislation that actually benefits the masses.

I would with all due respect ask Mr. Bredin to take a look at who is actually lining their pockets in Hudson County. It isn’t Republicans, but it could very easily be, if the people sit by and watch it happen.

Joseph Mendez
Weehawken resident

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