Hudson Reporter Archive

City Hall’s imagination deficit?

Dear Editor:

Al Sullivan (in “Between the Lines,” October 10, 2004) reports that Mayor Roberts claims to be on the fence about Hoboken’s anti-pay-to-play ballot question. He quotes hizzoner as claiming that “I’ve always been skittish about the way the (campaign contribution) system worked.”

But the mayor actually seems to favor business as usual, with folks doing business with the city donating lavishly to political campaigns. His lame excuse: “Until someone comes up with a better way for raising money… there will be a need to accept contributions.”

D we have an imagination deficit at City Hall? You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to conceive of soliciting contributions from regular citizens, or better yet, developing an even-handed way for public funding of political campaigns. Vote Yes on the ballot question!

John Glasel

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