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Kickin’ it with Katie and Matt Club KO owner to appear on NBC’s Today Show

It seems that TV shows of all types are finding Hoboken businesspeople these days. The latest discovery was by the Today Show and their profile on Joe Andreula’s Club KO kickboxing facility. By the end of this year, Club KO will have expanded from its original location at 720 Monroe St. to an expected 10 locations in seven counties throughout New York and New Jersey.

The twenty-nine-year-old, Hoboken born-and-raised Andreula opened Club KO in 1997, then known as Take it to the Max, as a forum for what he calls “a practical, no-nonsense approach to fitness and bodyshaping.” The club offers kickboxing classes, with supplemental weight training and nutrition services. The focus is on exercise.

When he started out, Andreula had no idea what was in store for his business.

“I always knew I’d be successful,” said Andreula, “but I didn’t know it would be this successful. We have four clubs open, with the other six opening by the end of the year.”

And Andreula doesn’t expect the expansion to stop there.

“It’s going to be a national level after 10 years. I’m just trying to figure out how,” said Andreula. “I’m having offers to franchise and expand with investors.”

The Today Show segment was recorded on August 30. The episode, which will air later this month, will also feature the CEO of Entrepreneur Magazine.

Andreula said he was comfortable in front of the camera. Local Channel 12 featured the club when it first opened.

“I was pretty confident because this is what I have a passion for, so I was excited to talk about it on national TV,” said Andreula.

Andreula said that building a business is similar to maintaining a fitness regimen.

“In either case, you have to start with a clear vision of where you want to be,” Andreula said. “Picture yourself in shape in the present day. Just like in the business, you have to envision yourself being packed on the opening day, even if there are two people. Otherwise, you’ll never reach the point.”

Club KO’s Hoboken location is the largest kickboxing facility on the east coast. There is no sparring, but every member gets to use a heavy bag for classes. Andreula said that an encouraging atmosphere is key for a successful workout.

“If someone’s going to open a gym, they focus on equipment,” Andreula said. “I figured out what is the best way to get people to want to feel like working out. Many places make you feel like placing an order or checking into a hotel room.”

Club KO also offers a 10-week intensive course aimed at getting its members into tiptop shape. Andreula said that most participants lose five percent of their body fat from that course.

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