Dear Editor:
Steven Pinkney’s whining comment that as an African American he knows of the abuses in the court system really is pathetic. Abuse happens to many, not only African Americans. But, overall, I don’t think Pinkney has anything to complain about.
We have the best system in the world, court and/or otherwise. And, yes there are times when our system does shock us (let’s not forget the abuse handed to us by the likes of the juries in the O.J. Simpson and Jayson Williams’ trials.) But for some reason, I don’t believe Pinkney saw the injustice handed to the victims’ families in those cases.
Arthur D’Italia is not the only judge who may or may not be a great judge. To blurt out a dumb, empty statement that as an African American he knows systemic abuses, only reinforces the negativity in those who chose to believe they are permanent victims. Could Pinkney be one of those people? Dina Crosby