Ever been on a tax-deductible date? A night out with one of 20 babe-alicious men and women will be yours if you’re the highest bidder – and it’s for charity.Hoboken native Juan Bonilla, 25, came up with the audacious idea as a way to raise funds for a bike ride called Braking the Cycle, an event that raises money for the battle against AIDS.
In September, Bonilla will bicycle 275 miles from the Chesapeake Bay in Maryland to New York City. But before then, he must raise $3,500 to participate in the ride, which benefits AIDS-related programs at the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center in Manhattan.
At first, Bonilla admits, he was a little intimidated by the idea of raising $3,500.
“I didn’t want to just go and ask friends for money,” he recalls. “I’ve got to find a way to get all my friends involved.”
Then Bonilla heard about a rugby team in New York that raised funds by auctioning off dates with its players, so he approached his friends with a similar idea.
A modest proposal
“We were having lunch one day and I said, ‘Would you mind if I auctioned you off?’ “
After the initial surprise wore off, everyone agreed. So far, Bonilla has recruited 12 men and eight women willing to go up for auction to help out their friend – and raise funds for the fight against AIDS.
The bash takes place this Thursday, June 10, at Rodeo-Ristra in Hoboken. Doors open at 8:30 p.m., and the auction begins at 10 p.m. sharp. In addition to the bidding war, the event will offer free food from the Farside and Charrito’s, and prize giveaways.
Bonilla says the eligible bachelors and bachelorettes, all friends of his, are mostly in their 20s and early 30s. Some are straight and some are gay – but Bonilla, who is gay, says the evening isn’t about labels.
“It’s going to be a very mixed crowd,” he says – “gay friendly, straight friendly. A no-label crowd. It should be an interesting mix. Everyone’s there to have a good time and to celebrate life,” Bonilla continues. “We’re doing all of this for a good cause.”
To sweeten the deal, each bachelor or bachelorette comes with a gift certificate to make the date complete. Local businesses have been generous to the cause. Among the possibilities are salsa dancing lessons and dinner for two at La Isla, a visit to Marma Day Spa, and haircuts from Mad One Jacks. Other Hoboken bars and restaurants contributing gift certificates include Frankie & Johnnie’s, Baja, Anthony David’s, the Farside, Charrito’s, and Company.
“Everyone was very, very giving,” Bonilla says, explaining that every business he approached donated a gift certificate to the cause.
Big idea
He got the idea to take part in Braking the Cycle after talking to a former co-worker at Arf, a film-production company in Hoboken. She had participated in the Boston-to-New York AIDS Ride, a similar event. Bonilla says Braking the Cycle is a much smaller, more personal ride limited to 100 cyclists. (The AIDS Ride has been known to draw 2,500 or more participants.)
Bonilla was familiar with the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender Community Center – which receives proceeds from the ride – from his days as a member of Colectivo Mexicano, a gay organization. When he heard about Breaking the Cycle, Bonilla was inspired to get involved.
Why not help a guy out? Come on down to the auction. You might get a hot date – the odds are probably better than on those reality romance shows. And you can definitely help out with a worthy cause. q
Can’t buy me love?
What: Juan’s Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction, a fund-raiser for Braking the Cycle, a charity bike ride for the battle against AIDS.
When: Thursday, June 10. Doors at 8:30 p.m. Auction starts at 10 p.m. sharp.
Where: Rodeo-Ristra
230 Washington St., Hoboken
Admission: $5 donation at the door.
Other info: For more info about Breaking the Cycle, see www.brakingthecycle.com. If you can’t make the auction, but you’d like to make a donation, call Bonilla at (201) 344-9934 or e-mail him at dchi62@yahoo.com.
Bid on a babe Bachelors and bachelorettes up for auction at charity fund-raiser this Thursday, June 10