Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for putting the people of NJ first!

Dear Editor:

I would like to praise Assemblyman Rafael Fraguela for being the decisive vote to pass Bill A-2840 (Allowing Stem Cell Research in the State of New Jersey) against the wishes of the far conservative wing of the Republican party. This is a good legislation for the people of the State of New Jersey, and it will in a near future, bring us closer to finding a cure for chronic diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease and other chronic diseases.

Republican Minority Leader Alex DeCroce’s move to remove Assemblyman Fraguela from the Republican Caucus, because of his support for this bill, is wrong. Alex DeCroce put his extreme conservative views in front of good legislation and did not care for the people of New Jersey and those who today suffer from all these diseases. No leader, either Republican or Democrat, has the authority to undermine the autonomy of an elected official.

Assemblyman Rafael Fraguela voted for a Bill who has the support of Former First Lady Nancy Reagan, actor Christopher Reeves, The Parkinson Alliance of New Jersey and every hospital in the State of New Jersey. A Bill that will spark and support increases in research funding, in public and private sectors alike. This means a greater chance for New Jersey to attract and retain the best scientists, strengthen the job market and above all, offer hope to the many New Jersey citizens whose health, finances and general well-being are sapped and often destroyed by these devastating diseases.

Assemblyman Fraguela, I publicly thank you for putting the people of New Jersey before any political party.

Jose C. Munoz

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