Hudson Reporter Archive

New parking ordinance not fair to people with more than one residence

Dear Editor:

My brother and I wish to comment about a new city ordinance that has us and many other citizens concerned. This is regarding the new parking permit regulations.

We strongly object to the fact that we now have to register our drivers licenses with our Hoboken address in order to obtain a residential parking permit. While my brother and I each maintain an apartment (with no roommates and with the lease in each of our names,) we also jointly own our childhood home in Morris County, NJ. It has always been at the home we own that we kept our drivers license. Many people maintain two residences, but if they have a lease or ownership documents for their Hoboken home, as well as utility bills, they should be able to obtain a residential parking permit/sticker. In my case, my job is in sales, and I drive a company car; residency is not an issue for me for any insurance purposes.

The parking problems in this town stem from rampant overdevelopment and many occupants sharing a single unit, neither of which we do. We should not be unfairly penalized for this. I make no judgments on anyone’s living arrangements.

There are many people in this town who share a similar home situation, and they are as angry as we are. But in our case we are also voters.

I would like to point out a hypothetical situation: A semi-retired Florida couple I know of are seeking to purchase a second home to be closer to their grown children in this area. Florida residents such as these want to keep their primary residence in Florida due to the state’s bankruptcy laws being more favorable them. (In case of a bankruptcy due to catastrophic medical bills, for example, creditors cannot claim your Florida home.) In this town telling them that if they bought a Hoboken brownstone or condominium that they couldn’t park their car here? (They are in their late fifties and too young to qualify for a senior citizen permit.)

This new law has many citizens angry, and as two people who vote often, this would be a factor in our decision making.

Bernadette Micchelli
Richard Micchelli

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