Hudson Reporter Archive

Concerning the passage of the ‘Domestic Partnership Act’…

Dear Editor:

I wish to express my opinion concerning the recent passing of the “Domestic Partnership Act” by the State Senate on Thursday, January 8th.

It was totally irresponsible for those Senators and previous Assembly persons who voted for the passage of this legislation and to do so with total disregard for the moral standards of our cities, and the State of New Jersey they represent.

Being present in Trenton when the vote was taken by the Senate on Thursday, I cannot understand why not one single voice of opposition to this immoral legislation was heard from within the Senate membership.

As was reported there was a group of gay and lesbian supporters in attendance on Thursday. I must correct what was stated that “several hundred supporters crammed into the Senate gallery” when in reality there was less than 50 according to my count and also by a few others who were in attendance too.

I would further like to say, as President of the Jersey City Million Man March Coalition, presiding Bishop of Interdenominational Christian Community Church and a member of the Jersey City Human Rights Commission, I will be urging these groups along with our City Council and other interested groups, to investigate the sex and age discriminations and violations within this legislation, and to join in with others who may wish to take this matter to the courts for litigation or sponsor the court action ourselves.

Finally I would like to say how hypocritical the Assembly is when on the same day the Senate loses its moral respect that an Assembly panel OKs the “Ethics Bill.” It appears to me that very few if any of our present Assembly or Senate members has very much moral or ethical standards to be concerned with.

I urge, especially those of the religious communities throughout this State and nation, to take a close look at the moral fibers of those who will be presenting themselves for public office in the future.

Bishop Austin L. Harrold

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