Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you to the residents of the Third Ward

Dear Editor:

I wish to express a personal and heart-felt “thank you” to the residents of our Third Ward. A thank you that transcends politics. Although, I have a deep appreciation for those of you who voted for me, all who voted in the special election are to be congratulated. Your vote is your voice in a free and democratic society. This was evident by the excellent voter turnout in each election. The voices of the Third Ward residents have always been heard loud and clear.

Growing up in the Third Ward, I have had the privilege to see first hand, various councilpersons get elected. One in particular, my father, who later became Mayor of the City of Hoboken, has truly been an inspiration to me. Without my parents, my personal, civic and governmental interests in Hoboken and especially our ward would not have risen to its current level. I can’t thank them enough.

I would like to send out a special thanks to all my parent’s long-time and loyal friends for their support and belief in me. In addition, I am grateful for all the hard work of my friends and supporters in this election.

To all the residents of the Third Ward, I pledge to represent you as a truly independent voice on the Hoboken City Council.

May God provide you all with a safe and Happy Holiday Season.

Michael Russo
Third Ward Councilperson

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