Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to: Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., P.O. Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ 07030 – attn: Current editor Eugene Mulero.


Hey, saw the piece you did (The non-stop performer 11/27). Nice job. I really appreciate it. You are absolutely the best. – Stacie Rose

Thanks Stacie. Let me know how the show Dec. 5 at Arlene Grocery in NYC goes.

Win concert tickets

Last week’s winner, Matthew Berlyant, correctly answered "The Pixies" to last week’s question, "What band featured Kim Deal and Frank Black?" Berlyant won tickets to see the Brilliant Mistakes, True Love and the Yams at Uncle Joe’s on Dec. 5.

For your chance to win a pair of tickets to check out the Songwriters In The Round series at Maxwell’s in Hoboken on Dec. 23 featuring Deb Ferrara and Peter Karp, correctly answer the following question: ***Where was the second Woodstock held? ***

Email your answer to attn: Concert tickets.

Support local authors in Hoboken

The Hoboken crafts fair is this Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, there will also be a book signing by more than a dozen authors who live in Hoboken. Check it out at the Shannon Lounge on First Street from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Maybe they’ll give you tips on how to publish your book!

Can you write?

If you have ever written an essay, a poem or a short story and would like it published, don’t be lazy, and submit to us and we’ll publish it on the Back Page of the Current. Send personal or humorous essays, 500-700 words to or fax them at (201) 798-0018. We look forward to reading your fiction or non-fiction stories.


The Current incorrectly reported last week local singer/songwriter Bill McGarvey would perform at Hoboken’s holiday concert on Dec. 12 at the Shannon Lounge. McGarvey will perform at The Goldhawk in Hoboken on Dec. 12 and during the Holiday Tree Lighting festival on Dec. 9 at 6:30 p.m.

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