Hudson Reporter Archive

AARP should ‘get with the program’

Dear Editor:

I and my senior friends are outraged over AARP’s (Bill Novelli) pushing the GOP-crafted Medicare overhaul. Bill, it appears as though you are in the pocket of the Republicans out to destroy Medicare. Get with the program. It seems to us that all it takes is to incorporate the prescription drug plan with our Medicare, don’t pass the money around to big business, put it where it belongs, directly to the Senior; this way the seniors can get all the drugs paid for, no fuss, no muss.

Could it be as Ralph Nader Public Citizen said, that AARP could gain $60 million or more a year, mainly from royalties on health-related insurance policies to sell its members. If AARP (Bill Novelli) is willing to sacrifice its principles for short term political gain and favors from the Republican Party, they no longer need our membership or support. I along with 800 of the group’s members had asked to resign as of 11/20/03. Among those resigning were 85 members of Congress.

Harry Scrudato

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