Hudson Reporter Archive

Taking exception to Schundler’s letter

Dear Editor:

As a resident of Jersey City, I take strong exception to the recent letter by Mr. Bret Schundler which is critical of our great Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham and the excellent direction that is being completed since July 2001.

First, Mr. Schundler, it is well documented that you left this city over $50 million in debt which the Cunningham Administration has to contend with today. You ignored our neighborhoods and only showed off the waterfront for your personal gain. You were an absentee mayor as you traveled throughout the State of New Jersey in your quest to be governor and also spent many weeks out of the State advancing your charter school ideas through the country. For the nine years that you were in office, our City Hall was off limits to Jersey City people as you brought in your folk from out of town – your police director did not even know where the location of streets were.

Please note that Mayor Cunningham cares about all of the people – yes he understands waterfront development is necessary but not at the expenses of the neighborhoods. Yes, he has sought and obtained federal and state funding for homeland security and many other programs for our youth and seniors. Yes, he truly cares about all of the people not his own ambitions. Mr. Schundler, you should have had Glenn D. Cunningham as your main advisor when you were in office.

Michael Giacomazzo

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