Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to: Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., P.O. Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ 07030 – attn: Current editor Eugene Mulero.


Hey man. Muchas gracias for the tickets amigo. I really appreciated it. The show was cool, and I have a good time reading the paper. – Rich Donado

Enjoy the tickets senor, and thank you for reading the paper.

New restaurants

It seems everywhere I turn in town (Hoboken) there’s a new restaurant opening up. Is there another economic boom going on? I thought the economy was bad. What’s up. – Joe D.

Hoboken is the city of dreams Joe, the city of dreams.

Win concert tickets

Last week’s winner, Teri Iozia correctly identified that John Lennon was the Walrus. Iozia won a pair of tickets to see Elliott at Maxwell’s in Hoboken on Nov. 11.

For your chance to win a pair of tickets to see The Planet The at Uncle Joe’s in Jersey City on Nov. 8, correctly answer the following question:

***Why is Michael Jackson so weird?***

Email your answer to attn: Concert tickets.

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