Hudson Reporter Archive

Bear hunt is shameful behavior

Dear Editor:

Governor McGreevey just announced that he is authorizing a bear hunt to take place in December 2003. Shame on McGreevey. I will guarantee you these gun-happy hunters will wind up killing more people then any bear would. Whenever the big brains don’t know how to handle an animal situation, their answer is to kill them. And to all you people who break your necks cutting down trees to move your homes into wooded areas, surprise surprise, bears live there too. So don’t boo hoo when you see a bear in your backyard because it’s not your backyard, it’s really the bears front yard. They were there first and you took it from them. Humans can’t get along even with fellow humans. If anyone or anything looks different from them, they freak out.

Humans have to stop feelings so damn superior to other creatures on this earth. We do not own the world. When I think of all the innocent animals that die at the hands of jerks who feel it’s their right to kill an innocent animal who doesn’t even know it is doing something wrong, I think “Shame on humans” and now with the news of the bear hunt, I think that again – shame on all of us.

Joanne Carbone

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