Dear Editor:
On Thursday, August 21, 2003 the Zoning Board of Adjustment voted to approve a project I would like to do on 12-16 Liberty Avenue. I want to thank them for their consideration and their approval. I will not let them down. I would like to thank the people in the community who took time to meet with me and to share with me reasons for concern about my project. I will not let them down either. Finally, I would like to thank from the very bottom of my heart Mayor Glenn D. Cunningham and Councilman Steve Lipski. These are two truly dedicated elected officials who believe in representing all people and bringing all people together. This project could not have happened if it were not for Councilman Lipski’s efforts to present this project to the community through his monthly meeting as well as Mayor Cunningham’s and Councilman Lipski’s ability to listen to all members of the community. Thank you.
Most sincerely,
Satinder Saggar