Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to: Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., P.O. Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ 07030 – attn: Current editor Eugene Mulero.

Favorite bartender

Kerry Logston, from the moment you meet her, will charm you off your feet. She is a sincerely swell human being with a heart of gold and the best thing to come out of Iowa or Texas since…well, since ever (Kerry Logston wins the Current’s bartender contest 8/28). Plus, she’s a hottie! – Erica B.

Logston also makes a very tasty margarita.

Win Concert Tickets

Last week’s winner, Jenn McArthur, responded, "Because her career is in the toilet," to last week’s question "Why is Madonna kissing young girls?" McArthur won tickets to check out The Ankles, Mexican Elvis and Elk City at Uncle Joe’s in Jersey City on Sept. 20.

For your chance to see Hero Pattern, Tris McCall and Mike Tichy at Maxwell’s in Hoboken on Sept. 26, correctly answer the following question:

***What happened to Blink 182?***

Email your answer to attn: Concert tickets.

Overheard on the PATH train to Hoboken


Where do you live?
GIRL: Queens.
GUY: I was just in Queens on Tuesday. I was at the [Such-and-Such] Church.
GIRL is shaking her head.
GUY: You don’t go to church?
GUY: Never?
GIRL shakes her head.
GUY: Do you know the story of Jesus?
GIRL: I’ve seen the movies.


The Current‘s entertainment crew will be in Jersey City this weekend looking for people for the "Nightlife Spotlight." To be featured in the popular section, leave your house and hit the mile-square city bar scene.

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