Hudson Reporter Archive

Take a tour of Loew’s Theatre, a true JC landmark

Dear Editor:

Over the last few years, when I’ve had free time, I’ve volunteered with the Friends of the Loew’s and helped in the group’s efforts to renovate and operate the landmark Loew’s Jersey Theatre at Journal Square. At first volunteers helped scrape old bubble gum and years of dirt from the auditorium seats. Recently, I volunteered as an usher and helped guide people to those same seats.

I began working with FOL because I like history and wanted to help preserve the Loew’s. But my continued involvement is because of FOL’s vision for how the Theatre can make Jersey City a better place to live and also because of the group’s clear and practical approach to dealing with an enormous project on a tiny budget.

By volunteering with FOL I’ve been a witness to two extraordinary turn-arounds. Firstly, I’ve been part of the process that took the Theatre from a state of virtual abandonment to being minimally operational. Secondly, I am seeing nightlife return to Journal Square every time FOL presents a program.

Obviously it is important for Friends of Loew’s to continue to attract new volunteers. But I know from personal experience that it is important for individuals to take part in a project that is so dramatically making a difference in their community. I’d like to invite anyone who is interested in Friends of Loew’s to get more information and take a tour of the landmark Theatre by calling 201-798-6055.

Margi Daly

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