Hudson Reporter Archive

Blackout blame

Dear Editor:

Sunday the energy secretary stated he did not want fingerpointing about who was responsible for the biggest blackout we just suffered. The investigation is ongoing and when we find the cause, steps will be taken to see that it doesn’t happen again. Now, where have I heard that phrase before? And the answer is — always, administration before, and I know, after. Every catastrophe, every war, every problem. It’s called “pass the buck.” The big lie was that he claimed he had no idea how it happened. Now either he’s another politician at his best — lying, or he’s too stupid to hold any job whatsoever.

Saturday’s NY Times used almost half their news pages on blackout coverage, and most of it was uninforming unless one had the ability to weed out the few lines that provided a viable clue. I’ve spent a long time, weeding, since I gave up being a robot, a brain dead sheep.

What was the only idea that made sense? My old nemesis, privatization. Good old Republican local control and the evil, they claim, too much gov’t interference, results in. How can anything succeed without a central plan? It is essential. What the problem is? — the upbringing of the people and their ethics, integrity and enlightened participation.

The qualified leaders will emerge if the people can’t be bought. Which brings us back to my old admonition. Parochialism is the seed of decay, corruption, disunity by everyone looking for personal advantage at the expense of community interests.

Privatization or decentralization (same thing) allowed each community the choice of updating their electrical energy capacity or taking the easy way out and going out to an outside source called the “grid.” A product of Republican ingenuity, misnamed and perpetrated under the guise of inter-area cooperation. What a boon doggle for the parochialists! Now the local politicians had money to use for other priorities than local wiring and transmission modernization. We all know what politicians do with funds that local inattentive citizens don’t force them to spend on specifically designated community improving projects.

So keep looking out for your own hide, call your local guru every time you need to wipe your what you call it, sit back and be reassured that the next blackout is not far behind.

Angelo Nanfro
P.S. Republicans love monopolies. They provide such lucrative election campaign funds.

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