Hudson Reporter Archive

Powerful women (like Nidia) take a bashing

Dear Editor:

It is just me, or doesn’t it seem as though powerful women are being dragged through the mud for their involvement in wrongdoing, ie, insider trading scandals, extortion, bribes and the like. Here are just a few examples of what I am referring to:

Let’s begin with Martha Stewart. Boy, they sure are out to get her! It’s so obvious. What Martha Stewart is accused of doing is a mere drop in the bucket compared to what took place at Enron, Rite Aid and WorldCom, just to name a few. These were huge scandals, which pale in comparison to Stewart’s actions. The results were devastating to many dedicated and hard-working employees who after many years into their careers, lost everything, wiped out by greed! It seems as though the publicity surrounding all of these men involved in these scandals are on the back burner while the females are being doubly exposed in an attempt to dim the publicity of these scandalous men. I do not condone Martha Stewart’s business decisions, but give us a break.

Nidia, Nidia, Nidia! Now this is a horrible situation. Yes, she will have to be accountable for her actions since everyone believes she knew very well the contents of those thick envelopes! They were loaded with good old greenbacks! Duh! Let’s hear about the responsibility that Sandoval shall bear.

Now lets’s look into that library of scandal. Oh, speaking of libraries, how about Bill Clinton who was sneaking and receiving orals in the White House library bathroom from Ms. Lewinsky. Hillary was portrayed as a sucker for “standing by her man!” You see, what’s really at issue here is Bill Clinton’s behavior which is totally unacceptable. He needs to be accountable for his indiscretions. Hillary has her own personal, political agenda, thus I accept her decision to “stand by Bill.”

Cynthia Dyson

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