Hudson Reporter Archive

Thank you for your donations to our programs

Dear Editor:

We, the North Hudson Firefighters Association, thank you for your generous donations to our worthwhile programs.

Our special programs include the Annual Santa Claus Parade in December, (hand outs are candy canes and coloring books) that comes down Bergenline Avenue, starts at 85th & Bergenline Ave., North Bergen, and goes to 32nd & Bergenline Avenue, Union City; donations to the Saint Barnabas Burn Center in Livingston, NJ., which helps our North Hudson community in case of burn at a fire or any related burn. We also donate to local high schools, grammar schools (42 schools in North Hudson), donations are also made yearly to MS, Diabetes, Child Care Center, Covenant House, etc.

In closing, please only make a donation to the North Hudson Firefighters who serve you!

A firefighter will come in person once a year with his “uniform” on and has a photo I.D. to show you. He will then give you a receipt and a yearly door sticker.

The North Hudson Firefighters Association does not solicit over the phone!

Anyone else, call your local police department because it’s a shake down, in plain English.

Thank you,
Glenn Michelin, President
North Hudson Firefighters Association
William Renner, Parade Chairman

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