Hudson Reporter Archive

Homecare for the Ill

Dear Editor:

I wanted a homemaker and they tell me I am eligible to have a homemaker, but when people come to America from other countries, they are handed a homemaker on a silver platter. I was told in 1990 that I have Emphysema by a Pulmonary doctor and you know that the strange thing is, I have never smoked cigarettes in my whole life but here I am with a killer of an illness, Emphysema. I got it from second hand cigarette smoke. And I tried to apply for this program called Critical Care Patients and Elderly and Disabled, but they denied me because I am not ready for a nursing home. But the Spanish-speaking elderly come over from their country and they get everything handed on a silver platter and it is not fair. What I think should be done is if you want to become an American citizen you must first learn how to speak English and write English and read English, but the Spanish-speaking elderly get all the services. But I am dying of Emphysema and I get nothing. I have to pay if I need a homemaker and it is not fair.

Brian Silvani

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