Hudson Reporter Archive

Current Exchange

Send short, interesting missives to: Or write: Current, 1400 Washington St., P.O. Box 3069, Hoboken, NJ 07030 – attn: Current editor Eugene Mulero.

Me too

I congratulate you on the Current‘s recent covergirl Christine Goodman. If you see here, tell her I too congratulate her and that she is doing a fine job with the Art House reading. The main reason for my emailing you is to ask you if the Current could give me a cover as well. It has been over two years since your paper did a feature story on me. Think it over and let me know what you think. – Radomir Luza, Jr.

Luza hosts Alliteration Alley the third Thursday of every month at Victory Hall in Jersey City.


Hey Eugene, thanks for mentioning The Goldhawk show Karyn Kuhl did a few weeks ago. Peace. – Tom Costagliola

I saw the Current and loved the article on Rosario Focus. It was great to see a local band on the cover! – Maryellen Higgins

The story on Juan Perez was great. Thanks. – Mark Kirmayer

Thank you guys for your wonderful feedback.

No baby

I’m writing to express my disappointment in the way the "Baby Parade" was handled. My opinion is that if it’s called a baby parade, they should judge the babies and not the parents’ imagination. – Robert B.

The babies need someone to dress them.

Record breaker

The Matawan Regional High School boys’ varsity mile relay team won the Group 2 state championship race with a time of 3:22.96 at Egg Harbor on May 31. The team also broke the school’s previous record set in 1994 of 3:23.00. The Current congratulates the Huskies for their excellent performance.


Last week’s winner, Yaremy Piedra, correctly identified Vision Quest to be the movie where Madonna sang "Crazy for You." Piedra won a pair of tickets for Scott E. Moore’s Writer’s Hang on June 5 at 8 p.m. at The Goldhawk in Hoboken.

If you want to win a pair of tickets for Cardia and Rosario Focus at Uncle Joe’s in Jersey City on June 26; correctly answer the following question:

***Before going solo, what group did Ice Cube belong to?***

Email your answer to attn: Concert tickets. The winner will be selected from a drawing.


Thanks, Eugene. Getting some wonderful feedback from the Current article! The only thing is that the Art House series started in January 2003, and it is held the first Thursday of every month at 8 p.m. Alliteration Alley is still happening at Victory Hall on the third Thursday of the month. – Christine Goodman


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